High Quality



home ice2impulse camp group picture

Since 2012, More than 25 national and international champions took part in our ICE2IMPULSE CAMPS training programS (during the courses that we have already carried out), including as well some coaches in training, with in total more than thirty different nationalities represented.

Over the years, we have integrated into our team, on many occasions, renowned guest champions, coaches and choreographers such as:

-KURT BROWNING (Quadruple world champion and first person to have won an “ISU lifetime achievement Award”)

-ILIA KULIK (Olympic Champion and ISU Grand-Prix Final Gold medalist)

-MARINA KUDRYAVTSEVA (Olympic coach and former trainer of Kamila Valieva)

-LORENZO MAGRI (Olympic coach)

-GWENDAL PEIZERAT (Olympic Champion)

-ALISSA CZISNY (2 times United States Champion)

-ANNA NOVICHKINA (Trainer for French junior & novice national team home workshops, and coach/choreographer of many Russian champions)

-STANICK JEANNETTE (Olympic coach)

-SURYA BONALY (5 times European Champion)

-FLORENT AMODIO (European Champion)


Promoglace Interglace
John Wilson Blades
Palau De Gel
Le Palais
Plaza Hotels

Home: These international figure skating courses aim to offer: quality work with a small skater / coach ratio during group sessions on ice, very precise technical training for young developing skaters (with the possibility of working with best current coaches), and the opportunity for high-level skaters to prepare for their first national and international competitions of the season. They are also open to coaches in training and observers.

Our workouts include daily sessions on ice, dance on the floor, specific physical training (pilates, mechanical rotator, electric …), but also weekly video analysis sessions, interventions by international judges and technical specialists ISU, as well as the possibility of private lessons.

It has happened to us regularly, during our courses, to have to adapt an individualized training program for certain skaters and coaches who come to train and / or to prepare for a specific deadline. In 2016, French skater Laurine Lecavelier came to our camp to prepare for the upcoming 2016-2017 season. Season during which she became elite French champion, as well as 5th at the European Championships (obtaining the new French record for a total score achieved in the female category, over the 2 events).

In August 2019, Austrian skater Stefanie Pesendorfer joined us from home, in order to prepare for the 2019-2020 season, and to finalize her preparation for the 1st round of the ISU Junior Grand-Prix series, which took place in Courchevel, the following days. the end of our internship (11th place obtained). 2 months later, she won a gold medal in the senior international competition (“Tirnavia Edea ice cup” in Slovakia), and was classified during this season 15th at the world junior championships.

In 2020 and 2021, our camps still took place in integrality, despite the sanitary worldwide crisis.

For 2022, we added Megève, FRANCE as one of our yearly camp location, with the presence of Kurt browning & Alissa Czisny along many other coaches (offering that year 5 full weeks of our training program in 2 different locations)